Below is a list of the standard operating procedures that should be followed, please check this list to help with understanding anything. If you feel that a topic is missing or should be added please share with James
It’s important that all communication is kept within the project on basecamp should there ever be a dispute later on.
Summary before kicking a project off
It’s best practice to have on record what the clients desire’s are so summarising your initial discussion and getting them to confirm before starting the design phase is always good, you could also do this by getting them to answer a questionnaire or a series of questions then uploading the results in their client folder.
Basecamp is the hub where all projects are created. There are sections that are internal only and sections for the client.
When a project is activated, it is titled by the address of the property, it’s given a start and end date and a short description of the project itself.
Description text goes here